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    Recent updates to the Turkey citizenship by investment program have made it far more affordable to obtain Turkish citizenship for investors. An investment into real estate of $250,000 US will enable you and your family to obtain Turkish citizenship in as little as 6 months. Property price is determined by the valuation undertaken by The Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation rather than the actual purchase price.

    In addition to this there is also a fast track option to gain citizenship in Turkey. This requires a deposit of $500,000 into a Turkish bank account. This amount must remain in the bank account for a minimum of three years. Under this scheme, single children over 18 are eligible for permanent residency but will need to wait 5 years to gain citizenship. The main applicant only will have to travel to Turkey once in order to apply for permanent residency, the remaining applicants are not required to travel. There is also the potential to include a second wife in a single application.

    The Turkish passport allows visa free travel to 111 countries including Singapore, Japan, South Korea as well as other main countries in Africa, Asia and South America

    Terranova Global, with offices in Dubai, Istanbul, Malta and London will assist in all manners related to gaining citizenship which include advisory, financial, property and legal services.

    Applicants will receive citizenship and a passport after approximately 6 months. This program allows the main applicant to include their spouse as well as children under the age of 18. There may be a requirement to travel to Turkey for an interview by Government officials as part of this process.

    The Turkey Citizenship by Investment program was established in 2016, however recent modifications to investment levels have made this program far more attractive to investors. Turkey lies between the Middle East and Europe and therefore is a place of mass appeal due to influences from both the East and West. It is one of the more affordable citizenship programs and is even more attractive due to its opportunity to invest in the real estate market.


    Timeframe 3 - 6+ months
    Visa Free Countries Travel visa free to 111 different countries including the major countries in Asia including Singapore, Japan, Malaysia as well as key countries in South America and Africa
    Type Of Investment Real Estate investment for a minimum of 3 years or a $500,000 deposit into a bank account in Turkey for a minimum of 3 years
    Cost Of Investment $250,000 or $500,000



    • The Turkish Government allows for dual citizenship so there is no need to revoke current nationality
    • Most nationalities are eligible for this program
    • Citizenship can be received in as little as 6 months


    • Spouse and children up to 18 years old can be included in the application, or in the case of bank account deposit, single children over 18 can be also be included and as well as a second wife
    • Your Turkish passport will allow you access to free education and healthcare
    • Ability to live in an economically affordable country


    • Freedom to travel visa free to 111 countries worldwide including Singapore, Japan and major countries in South America and Africa
    • The Turkish passport is well respected and makes applying for visas straight forward
    • Countries are continuing to add Turkey to their visa free list


    • The Turkish Government do not require you to declare international earnings or pay tax on international income
    • An affordable program with a solid opportunity for investment
    • No inheritance tax in Turkey


    • The Turkish Government allows for dual citizenship so there is no need to revoke current nationality
    • Most nationalities are eligible for this program
    • Citizenship can be received in as little as 6 months


    • Spouse and children up to 18 years old can be included in the application, or in the case of bank account deposit, single children over 18 can be also be included and as well as a second wife
    • Your Turkish passport will allow you access to free education and healthcare
    • Ability to live in an economically affordable country


    • Freedom to travel visa free to 111 countries worldwide including Singapore, Japan and major countries in South America and Africa
    • The Turkish passport is well respected and makes applying for visas straight forward
    • Countries are continuing to add Turkey to their visa free list


    • The Turkish Government do not require you to declare international earnings or pay tax on international income
    • An affordable program with a solid opportunity for investment
    • No inheritance tax in Turkey


    Turkey is a large country, stretching over 1000 miles wide and 400 miles long and is bordered with Greece and Bulgaria to the West, Georgia, Iran and Armenia to the West and Syria and Iraq to the South. Being such a large country, Turkey has a vast and varied topography. It is surrounded by 3 seas, The Black sea, Aegean Sea and the Mediterranean so is spoilt with coastline. Turkey is largely mountainous with ranges extending from east to west and is blessed with a continental climate due to the large land mass although conditions can vary across the country impacted by location and this in turn impacts flora and fauna meaning Turkey offers a wide and varied scenic experience depending on what part you visit.

    Turkey has a rich and deep history however referring to modern Turkey – this was founded after WWI in 1923 and the new capital Ankara was proclaimed. Istanbul is however the major city in Turkey with a population of over 15 million people. It is known as the cultural capital of Turkey with over 7 million tourists descending on the city each year to see the world-famous mosques, palaces, museums international shopping destinations and the world’s first shopping mall – The Grand Bazar.

    Turkey has the worlds 17th largest GDP and is one of the world’s biggest providers of textiles, agricultural equipment, consumer goods and appliances as well as cars and transportation equipment and it offers an array of opportunity for potential investors and residents. It is a Muslim country, with nearly 98% of the country identifying as Islam, therefore making it a highly sought after location for GCC residents and beyond who identify with this religion.


    1st Month

      Upon signing of the Terranova Global Contract, the application process will begin

      An initial due diligence check will be run on the individual to highlight any potential issues with the application

      Agency fees to be paid

      A clear document list will be provided to the applicant for them to collate

      If the applicant is applying through the real estate program, The applicant will finalise the decision on the property to be purchased with the support of Terranova Global

      The applicant will finalise the decision on the property to be purchased with the support of Terranova Global


    2nd – 3rd Month

      If applying under the real estate scheme the Title Deed of the property will be obtained once purchased and bank accounts in Turkey will be opened

      If applying under the bank deposit program, the applicant will open a bank account and the money will be deposited. The main applicant will then travel to Turkey and finalise the permanent residency aspect of the application

      Terranova Global will check all documents including title deed, and these will be submitted together

      There may be a requirement for the main applicant to be interviewed by Government officials in Turkey.

    3rd – 4th Month

      For those purchasing real estate, the Valuation of the Property will be conducted under the Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation to confirm valuation of greater than $250,000 and Residence permits will be issued

      Under the bank deposit scheme Citizenship will be granted and passports finalised


    5th – 6th Month

    *Time estimates may vary




    • Albania
    • Argentina
    • Armenia
    • Azerbaijan


    • Bahamas
    • Bahrain
    • Bangladesh
    • Barbados
    • Belarus
    • Benin
    • Bolivia
    • Bosnia Herzegovina
    • Botswana
    • Brazil
    • Brunei


    • Cambodia
    • Cape Verde
    • Chile
    • Colombia
    • Comoros
    • Cote Divoire


    • Djibouti
    • Dominica
    • Dominican Republic


    • El Salvador
    • Ethiopia
    • Equador


    • Fiji


    • Gabon
    • Gambia
    • Georgia
    • Guatemala
    • Guinea-Bissau


    • Haiti
    • Honduras
    • Hong Kong


    • Indonesia
    • Iran
    • Iraq


    • Jamaica
    • Japan
    • Jordan


    • Kazakhstan
    • Kenya
    • Korea South
    • Kuwait
    • Kyrgyzstan


    • Lebanon
    • Lesotho


    • Macao
    • Macedonia
    • Madagascar
    • Malaysia
    • Maldives
    • Marshall Islands
    • Mauritania
    • Mauritius
    • Mexico
    • Micronesia
    • Moldova
    • Mongolia
    • Montenegro
    • Morocco
    • Mozambique
    • Myanmar, (Burma)


    • Nepal


    • Oman


    • Palau
    • Palestinian Territory, Occupied
    • Panama
    • Philippines


    • Qatar


    • Rwanda


    • St Lucia
    • Samoa
    • Senegal
    • Seychelles
    • Singapore
    • Somalia
    • South Africa
    • Sri Lanka
    • Sudan
    • Suriname
    • Swaziland


    • Tajikistan
    • Tanzania
    • Timor-Leste
    • Thailand
    • Togo
    • Tonga
    • Tunisia
    • Tuvalu


    • Uganda
    • Ukraine
    • Uruguay
    • Uzbekistan


    • Vanuatu
    • Venezuela


    • Zambia
    • Zimbabwe


    The Turkish passport can be obtained through an investment into Real Estate starting at $250,000 regardless as to whether a single applicant or family are applying. Alternatively it can be applied for by depositing $500,000 US into a Turkish bank account for a minimum of 3 years
    The cost of Turkish citizenship is $250,000 investment into real estate in Turkey, or $500,000 deposit into a bank account.
    This Citizenship program is open to most nationalities, and as long as you have a clean background and the funds for the investment you can apply.
    With a Turkish passport you can travel to over 110 countries visa free including key countries in Asia such as Singapore and Japan as well as all major countries in South America and Africa
    Yes, you can include a spouse and children under the age of 18. With the bank deposit scheme you can include children over 18, although they will only get permanent residency to start with and will need to wait 5 years for citizenship. In addition, it is possible to apply for a citizenship for your 2nd wife under this program.
    There are fees for obtaining deeds which work out at about 3% if you buy real estate, as well as legal fees
    It should take approximately 6 months under the real estate scheme and about 3 months under the bank deposit scheme.
    With your Turkey passport, you and your family can travel to 111 different countries visa free.
    You will need legal representation to assist you in the process, Terranova Global will organize everything from managing your application, finalizing house purchase and providing you with your residency and citizenship.
    You must hold on to the real estate for 3 years, and if you apply under the bank deposit scheme you will need to keep your money in the bank for 3 years
    No – you can buy any property residential or commercial providing it is valued at over $250,000